Hard to find time to
keep this up to date...
October already,
I'll try to think back on what has
Ocelot had to be euthanized earlier
this year..
He was looking
skinnier than normal and seemed to have
trouble eating. But he would come around
now and then, being very friendly and
happy to see us, and have a "Sir Ocelot
party" for all, with wet food . One day,
we were finally, FINALLY able to trap him!
Our most allusive one... Thinking we could
get him fixed and treat him for fleas and
all other problems he might have.... but
unfortunately, we got a call from the
vet.... Cancer had attacked all the back
of his throat, and with tears, we decided
the only truly humane thing to do was to
put him to sleep. We miss him. The alpha
of the colony.....
the other hand, had scared us with some
skin problem, around his mouth and
belly... The vet thought it was cancer,
but we treated it with a depo shot and
happily, it almost went away. Another depo
shot every couple of months and it seems
to go away..... The vet said might be
something called Rodent ulcer.. (Nothing
to do with rodents though..)
We added 2
chickens to the colony too! But have then
on the property now.... Roosters
The five
kittens we rescued from the dumpster
are doing great! Taz, the all black girl
is the smallest but thee most aggressive!
Bender had some ear sores, but may have
been from Orangie playing too rough with
her... (Orangie LOVES her...)
We caught the
Gray and White male and got him fixed.
He is still shy but we see him a couple
times a week, eating and doing well.
Had a new adult orange male, "Ballsy"
fixed, and two from down the road, an
Orange Boy and orange / white Boy. The
Orange Boys were caught the same day and
brought to a neuter scooter. When I picked
them up, after the surgery, they were
accidently placed in the wrong cages!
These boys were fairly new and I really
didn't know them that well by looks, but
knew well enough to be 90% sure they were
in the wrong cages! They were released in
different places, and luckily I "guessed"
Several months later and Ballsy is really
friendly to a couple of us, and loves to
be petted!
Early this summer we
got a call from the humane society... They
had one of our cats, may be a Siamese
mix??? We had no Siamese that was
missing... But it had a tattoo that was
registered to our colony, so I went to get
Turns out to be a dirty Stubbie!
Very good to see him again! Gone almost a
year !
We brought him up to
the property and he is still there.
Probably one of the best cats around! So
happy and good! Loves to lay on top of us!
Another return from
the dead.... Sister Oscar!
Gone perhaps two
years, and we get a call from the humane
society... who had a striped tabby of
ours... The only one I knew was missing
was sister Oscar.... but two years, I
thought no way.... but YES, Sister Oscar!
Missing a lot of fur, but it was him! We
brought him up to the property too. We
changed his name to Mister Oscar.... He
gets along great with the other cats...
(Except Baby girl...) He also prefers
being inside to outside! He eats ALL the
time! I don't think he realizes that he
doesn't have to look for food any more...
We will have to put him on a diet if this
keeps up! He does have runny stools, but
the vet says no worms or problem they can
figure out... Oscar would love to spend
his day on someone's lap, and head butts
with other cats...
We have 7 cats on
the property, now being October.... and 13
at our condo. We had it down to 11 a
couple months ago, by bringing Munchie
Boy, Munchie Girl, Guido, Spaz and Baby
girl to the property,
but on September 16, we got a call from
one of our drivers that there were some
baby kittens at a nearby recycling center.
That the people working there had been
feeding it junk like bread and potato
chips! Baby kittens! Can't people figure
out that babies need special nutrition?!!
We picked up two kittens, a boy and a
girl. We called the vet but they couldn't'
take them til the next week... We fed them
canned kitten food and special milk for
baby kittens... They both ate, but the boy
wasn't doing well... We got them to the
vet Monday, when they gave the boy fluids,
and some canned food and vitamins... Very
sadly, the boy died that night... I wished
I forced the vet to see them the day we
found them... he would have had a better
The girl is doing
really well though! Princess is at the
condo... yet too afraid to play with the
other cats, but is a wild bundle of
energy. Pumpkin wants to play, but so far
Princess just cowers... Taz and Grannie
have swatted her a few times, so of course
Princess is afraid of bigger cats....
On October 3rd, we
were leaving the office, and a few blocks
away, noticed what looked like a dead cat
on the side of the road... We drove closer
and it was alive... barely! Panting
heavily and not moving, in the hot sun! We
were able to pick it up and brought it
right to the vet... who just locked their
doors for the day... but saw us and were
willing to help us with the cat...
We thought it was hit by a car, but after
examining the cat, the vet said the
injuries were more in line with being
kicked or hit with something! Broken rib,
collapsed lung, crushed liver.... and
starving and dehydrated! We didn't think
she had a chance.... The vet kept her over
the weekend, and we brought her to the
condo on Monday... Where she is now, and
doing great! The vet said if she was out
in the sun an hour longer she probably
would not have made it! The vet named her
Coco Azul, a tawnie siamese mix with blue
eyes... We had her rechecked by the vet
who said her liver had recovered 100%!
Truly a miracle! She must have been
someones pet... so sweet and beautiful....
Even with the near $1000 vet bill, she
deserves a chance at a happy life......
and now has one..
We still need to
catch Simba, a kitten that showed up
earlier this year, who is now big enough
to be fixed....
And there is another
new gray and white fluffy cat, without a
tail, that is coming around more
and I saw a new fluffy orange one down the
block that I hadn't seen before....
