Cat Family
The story...
, enter Spaz.... and
of the kittens by the office had eye
problems... and all have flee
Some of the kittens could just be treated
and let go the next day. And some have sad
stories including a poor baby with a
distended rectum that didn't make it and
another that was too small and weak and
died in our hands... But one little guy we
found had eye problems and really bad
flees.... We got some salve for his eyes
and brought him home and gave him at least
6 baths. over several days. The first
couple baths turned the water red with
blood!! This was new to me. I thought it
was dirt, but evidently, it was from
thousands of fleas biting the baby! Some
kittens get fleas so bad that the kittens
become anemic and die which is most likely
the cause of the other kitten

weren't going to let that happen to this
guy! One of us would hold the kitten while
the other used a tweezers to grab the
fleeing flees.... The kittens get cold,
even in warm water so we couldn't do it
more than a few minutes at a time... Twice
a day... Then we would towel him off, and
blow dry him carefully... No, they don't
like this...

The other cats would sniff at the door,
and try to run in when we opened it...
They knew something was going on....
One day, SOMEBODY carried the kitten to
the other room and set him down... All the
other cats ran away!
kept him in our guest room .
He wasn't very active yet. But he was SO
We first thought we would bring him back
to the office but he was SO small, we
figured he wouldn't take up much room

think the other cats expected a mother to
be nearby so didn't want to come between
her and the kitens....
But eventually, the other cats figured out
it was ok and he wasn't that scary so
started tolerating him a bit

was the most vocal in his disapproval and
grumbled constantly when he came
(and still does sometime) He is the
"macho" type and doesn't like to admit he
likes anything.... especially a cute
kitten! But when he thinks no one is
around he will play with
kitten was such a SPAZ!
He had so much energy... and would run ,
jump and climb on everything in his
So we had to name him
next kittens we came across had eye
problems too... We took them home, gave
them baths and put salve on their eyes...
They seemed better right away so we
brought them back to where we found them,
at the office, and kept our eyes on them.
Ones eyes got worse so we brought her back
to the vet. We got some meds for her and
had to keep her home and away from all
cats for about 2 weeks, because it was
If you think you can bring a cat back to a
parking lot after spending 2 weeks with
it.... you are crazy.. or a sad excuse of
a humane being...
She of course had to stay with us... (We
figured the other cats wouldn't notice her
because there were so many cats around

We still see the twin at the office and
want to take her home too, but she seems
fine where she is...
turned out to be even wilder than
But she was the best present to give to
They are the best of friends and now
terrorize the house and other cats



Spaz is defrinatley a cat cat... she loves
the other cats and just walks up to any of
them and plops down in their paws....
demanding love...


was the mom for a long time... He would
lick the kittens and loved being around
but after a couple of months he got tired
of being mom and now usually runs away
after a couple of minutes... The other
cats usually tolerate Sister Spaz for a
couple minutes then run away



All the cats (except Munchie girl) do play
with the the kittens a little... Taking
turns chasing each other, or swatting at
each other behind a box or or chair
We believe that Spaz and Sister Spaz are
siblings. They showed up at the same time
and the same spot...
Spaz has a twin at the office too (without
the bushie tail) whom we see with Sister
Spazes twin a lot...
here for some pictures
of some of their favorite