Descriptions for more than 75 ways to help more animals, all around the world!
1. $$ Donations
Money is easy to give and often the best to receive. You should be able to trust that non profit to use that money in the best way possible, but there are ways to make sure your money goes exactly where you want it to, and don't be afraid to tell the group where you want it spent.
2. Look for wish lists from local animal welfare groups.
Before you get rid of that working printer or refrigerator, see if someone could use it! Donate towels, blankets, pet toys, animal carriers, etc...
3. Donate Pet Food
Pet food, of course, is always needed. Dry, Canned, anything is greatly appreciated! But is there a farm sanctuary or similar nearby , that might use the throw away, damaged produce from a grocery store? Perhaps you can arrange gathering it and delivering it for them. Be creative... Have leftover meat that is perfectly good? There might be some animal welfare group that could use it for their animals.
4. Donate Flea Meds/ Medications
Prescription brands are usually the best quality, and treasured by animals and the caretakers!
5. $$ directly to Vet Bills / Prescriptions
Give directly to a vet clinic in the name of a local shelter/sanctuary/animal group, and you know for sure, what your money is going to. Several vet clinics also support donations to help pay for bills that poor people have, or homeless people too... yes, lots of them have pets too!
6. Donate Gift cards from local stores. or online shops
Lowes, Home Depot, Safeway, Costco, K mart, Petco... Amazon, Ebay, etc...
7. Do you have property, buildings, or land you could donate to create a shelter? or sanctuary?
or do you have a really big heart with a healthy bank account and want to actually help build an actual shelter or sanctuary... Naming a sanctuary or shelter after a donor or in someones name is a great way to leave a legacy.
8. Do you have Fencing to donate? Doors? Anything?
Or can you help with labor for building shelters or putting up fencing? Or order something like: purrfectfence, or fencing from a local company.
9. Do you run a printing company?
or can you help in printing brochures, handouts, or other items? Sometimes just a good home printer works well enough.
10. Give donations to a non profit, charity, or other animal welfare group in someone's name, in place of a gift for birthdays or holiday.
An easy idea that does a lot, for that person, the animals and the planet...
11. Put all your change in a jar for the local shelter
Then deliver it once a month or when it gets full. Encourage your kids to start something similar.
12. Put your favorite charity in your Will.
Give a little, Give a lot.... You can "rest in peace" so they say, knowing you are still helping.
13. Put your animals in your Will.
What happens to them, if you arent around anymore?!
14. Assign some of your stock, or some bonds, to a favorite animal welfare group.
It might keep money coming in for them...
15. Make sure YOUR animal friends are healthy and happy
Besides food, water and shelter, animals need exercise and fun time, and even alone time! Cats need places to hide. They also need to climb. All need some sort of entertainment too. Don't let them get bored. Give them things to explore. A box, a cardboard bag... Simple things can bring a lot of joy to an animal, and you. Make sure your animal friends have this provided to them.
16. Make sure all pets you have or see are spayed/nuetered.
How about your neighbors pet? A relatives? Explain how important it is to prevent litters.
17. Help a neighbors pet.
Do you know of a neighbor or friend who might not be able to give all the care and attention to their pet that they want or should? Perhaps they work late, or are elderly, or handicapped... offer to take their dog on a walk, drive it the vet, offer to feed it or play with it...
18. Organize a fund raising event.
Can you sponsor a garage sale or some event to raise money for a non profit? Or donate items for a garage sale? Brain storm... Car wash, bake sale, raffle, make something to sell, get donated items from local stores, host a vegan dinner, a play, photo contest...
19. See an abandoned/loose animal?
Is it new in your area Do you know the owner? Is it hurt or suffering and needs help? Set out water and/ food if you believe it needs it. Many people let their cats run free, and there are community cats that roam too, so if it looks healthy it might be best where it is. Dogs usually arent best left to roam. If any looks ill or hurt, can you take it in to your home? Or catch it without hurting the animal, to then have it treated by a vet? Contact a local No Kill animal shelter or group for help in catching the animal. Take pictures. Place an ad in the local paper, or online. Many places, and "local humane" societies will just kill any stray or homeless animal, they receive so be sure and look for groups dedicated to truly helping animals. Many groups "Take in" or "accept" any animal, but the truth is that most of them get "euthanized".
20. Are there homeless cats in your area?
Make sure these animals are all fixed! Don't assume they are someone elses pet. If they are running free, they need to be fixed! Should there be a colony caretaker in your area? Do you have a colony? Do you have time to help with a colony? Volunteer to help get them fixed, (often for free) and/or help manage and feed a colony? Once a week? Seven days a week? Anything you can do will help! Even a couple days to give a regular colony caretaker a break! Can you regularly donate food to a colony? Do you live in a rural location that can host a colony? or Sanctuary? (This would be only for feral cats that would otherwise be killed!) Cat colonies should stay where they are. But some times when, due to new building, or an uncompassionate manager, cats are removed from perfectly good places and usually killed if no one steps in.)
21. Volunteer at a local shelter or non profit
There are many jobs out there, from feeding kittens to weeding the yard, and all are greatly appreciated by the group. What are you good at? Talk to the shelter. They might have the perfect job for you.
Check out volunteer match...
22. Adoption
Would you be willing to Open your home to animals that need a place to live. What kind of animal? What restrictions do you have? Small animal? Any size? Indoor only? Please consider more than one animal. Most animals want companions, and many people aren't home all the time. If you have, say, an independent older dog, it might or might not take to another dog, but often cats make great friends for dogs too! See if you can arrange to bring your dog to meet the adoptable dogs… They will give you a good idea who it likes or not...
23. Foster Care
Temporarily give a home to an animal while it recovers , matures, or until it can be put up for adoption and placed in a forever home. What type of animals would you be able to foster example: Cats, Dogs, kittens? How many animals can you take in? What type of foster services can you help with? Bottle feeding? Giving oral medication? Taking a dog on a walk? Other? Maybe you have a summer home and a winter home, and dont want a full time animal. Or you arent sure if adoption is best for you. Fostering is a great way to start with animals, and is desperately needed at most shelters.
24. Rehabilitation
Are you patient with animals? Can you help rehabilitate cats labeled scared, feral, or unfriendly? How are you at retraining dogs that are labeled aggressive? (Are you trained?) Some animals prefer, or require, homes with no kids, no cats, no small dogs, or other animals. This is not for everyone...
25. Short term Adoption: Hospice care
Can you take in an older animal, abused, sick or injured, perhaps with only a little time left? Can you give this deprived animal a home and let it know what love and a family is supposed to be like?
26. Emergency Services
Can you help when a storm is headed your direction? Open your home to others with pets, or help at a shelter specifically for animals? Talk with your local shelter about it. How about you. Are YOU ready for an emergency? Check into it now. Have a list for you and your pets needs.... Dont wait for after a storm... How many animals die in hurricanes, or floods, etc.. because people leave their pets behind. It is terribly sad and should be avoided completely.
27. Help with mobile Adoptions:
Would you be willing to be part of a small team that transports adoptable animals to other places, for the public to see and meet? Can you Screen applicants, and educate others to understand what it takes to be a permanent family member to an animal?
28. Going on vacation? Donate time at a local non profit or group.
Almost all cities, including other countries, have some form of animal welfare group that could use a hand, even for a few hours on one day!
29. Help an animal travel to find a home.
Some groups need people flying to help an animal get from one place to another. For example, Maui has a Wings of Aloha program that needs people to help transfer animals at different locations. One can adopt a pet from Maui, and have it shipped to the mainland. Talk with your local shelter. If they don't always have pets waiting for adoption, but they have people wanting pets, we can work with them and send Maui Pets. If traveling to / from Maui you can mention if you are willing to take a pet, with you, as a carry on, for someone else who is adopting from out of state.
30. Do not support back yard breeders or breeders in general
Yes, kittens and puppies are cute, but whenever a neighbors pet breeds, means that that many more will be killed at the local shelter. There are only so many people looking for animals to adopt, so what do you think happens to the "extras" that dont get adopted? They are "euthanized". And, although there are some "good" people breeding animals, most pet shops and professional breeders, or those they get animals from, are not reliable, and the animals can go through a lot of torture! And purebred animals are actually prone to more diseases and physical problems. Due to inbreeding and unnatural desires that humans are after, such as flat noses, they actually inflict breathing issues, because their noses are continually bred flat and not healthy! Get a pet from a rescue shelter! And never ever keep a wild animal. They are not pets. No part wild either, like wolf breeds. wild animals should be in the wild, period.
31. Join a cleanup committee, or create one yourself!
Liter is more than ugly to look at, it hurts and kills animals. Glass cuts, metal cuts, plastic is ingested, looped items strangle.... all is extremely bad. If you can't pick up all you see, then make sure the worst is picked up; loops, razor sharp edges, plastic bags... or pile other items in a safer spot... then go back again to get the rest. Anything with food residue is going to attract animals. Animals lick sharp objects and slice their tongues. Pick it up! Get rid of it!
32Don't litter
Seems obvious... but letting balloons go is littering, and creates deadly pieces that are often injested by birds, dolphins, fish, etc... Also, tossing something like an apple core out the window of the car might even bring an animal toward the road, and thus get it hit by a car!
33. Don't support circuses or anything that uses animals as entertainment.
Circuses, rodeos, horse racing, dog racing, swimming with dolphins, etc... Animals should not suffer and be abused for the profit of humans. Most often these animals are forced to do unnatural actions and suffer immensely. Check out the movie The Cove for one example of how dolphins are caught for such activities. If a school group wants to attend a circus or such, speak up. Perhaps ask to attend an animal sanctuary instead, or bring in someone to talk about animal welfare.
34. Education : What are the local schools teaching kids?
Most schools need more information regarding ethics and proper care for animals and their surroundings. Encourage them to teach about animal welfare and how to be a good pet "owner" and member of the community. Do you work in a school? or are you willing to speak there? Can you help write a lesson plan or curriculum to be implemented?
35. Say NO to dissections or anything that hurts animals or uses animal parts in schools.
You have the right and moral right to not be forced to do it. There are enough videos or other means to witness organs and such without using animals. Schools should be educated themselves to these other means.
36. Encourage schools to at least provide vegan options on the menus.
Vegan can be less expensive, when properly enlisted and usually a lot more nutritious.
37. Schools should teach the truth about food and nutrition in our schools.
Too many schools have outdated information, and/or are run by politicians or lobbyists associated with the meat and dairy industry, so the truth is hidden or misconstrued to forward another's monetary agenda.
38. Never post a "free to a good home" ad.
Cats, dogs, and other animals that are given away, for free, or low prices, often end up in testing labs, or as bait for dog fighting... It is, of course, best to never get rid of an animal, but if one absolutely must, make sure you know, without a doubt, who you are giving that animal to.
39. Want to move to an apartment or similar that doesn't allow animals?
Why would you want to live there in the first place? But you can take steps to make more places accept animals. Is it noise? Messes? Damage? Find out why and approach the board of directors/owners with alternatives, such as deposits, or clean up committees. Service dogs and animals that we need, say with a doctors note, are often legal to keep in many places. Don't just give in, and get rid of your family... Try... Make it happen. Even if YOU aren't moving. Help others are are in making more places more animal friendly!
40. Never hunt, trap, bait, abuse, inflict harm, suffering or injury to any other living animal.
This should be obvious... and don't support people who do these things...
41. Support as many good animal groups as you can.
Even if it is just a LIKE on facebook or follow on twitter, it can help.
42. Outreach
Are you good at public speaking? Perhaps speak to the local Lions Club, or PTA, or other group about TNR and helping TNR groups, or fostering animals, or another important animal welfare cause.
43. Write letters
Anyone can send letters to papers, or government officials, explaining how important it is to help animals. Click here for people you can write to on Maui. Write to the government. Help change government policies, or create new bills, better laws. Get more money allocated for protecting animals. Steeper penalties for those who abandon or abuse animals.... Write letters to the editor in the local paper. Are you especially skilled at writing? Perhaps write an article for the paper or a magazine.
44. Web Work
Write a blog for animals, or good articles and let a good animal group to publish it. Do you understand SEO? (Search Engine Optimization) Can you help an animal group with their website in general? Help them with social media?
45. Create Artwork
Help create brochures or banners. Paint something for the shelter, or to auction off at an event.... etc...
46. Connections
Do you know some politicians personally? Or someone who works for the County? The local Humane Society? If YOU have personal contact with people in position for change, please speak up.
47. Join a club or animal welfare group in your area.
Check online, or with schools, colleges, or start your own group. Stay on top of issues in your neighborhood, and/or with those animals you feel strongest for.
48. Become a board member, director, or other leader for animals
We need leaders to take charge and lead others in helping more animals. Approach a group and let them know that you are interested in taking an even more active role.
49. Do you have a store, store front, or business that can help in any way?
Besides offering the actual item or service your business produces, perhaps you can hold adoption events at your location or put signs in your window that helps animals. You Can also offer discounts or a coupon to people who, say, adopt a homeless animal working with the local shelter... Brainstorm... what else...
50. Encourage your office, or place of employment to allow dogs.
Thinking how will this "save" an animal? It has been proven to help employees attitudes, for one thing, and that lunch break could help both employee and pet get more exercise, which could actually save them both!
51. Provide transportation for someone without a vehicle
Can you help bring a pet to the vet for someone who doesnt have a vehicle? Can you transport items when needed, for the local shelter or group?
52. Brain storming
Are you good at brainstorming ideas... Think of ways to save more animals, raise more $$, create activities and events, get more animals adopted, get people involved...
53. Grant writing
Find a grant and a deserving non profit and go from there.
54. PSA writer
Write and arrange public service announcements. Most local radio and TV stations have spots available and want well written PSAs that help the community.
55. Emotional support
Send a thank you, or words of encouragement, to groups trying to make a difference.
56. Find out if your local shelter is no-kill, or how many healthy animals they "euthanize"
Too many shelters still kill anything that isnt the perfect pet... They give a "stray" 24-48 hours to become a lap pet, and if not, it is euthanized. Because that is how it has always been done, and it is easy. There are hundreds of No Kill shelters around the country and around the world. If your shelter is not, then work on making it one! Check into for ways to help.
57. Buy through Amazon portals or similar that give a portion back to a charity.
Many charity sites have quick links so if you are looking to buy something, start with the non profits. Or buy through places like and pick a charity that gets a donation.
Shop through GOODSEARCH, and help Save an Animal or another charity...
You can also try to google what you want to buy and the word donation.
58. Click on ads, like "google ads" on good animal welfare sites
When you click on an ad on a website, whomever that ad is for, pays that site something for that click. It might just be pennies, but pennies ad up...
59. Add links to good groups and good ideas on your webpage or in your emails.
Make it obvious or subtle. The more people who you reach out to, the better for the animals.
60. Vote, of course! And Help Campaign for people running for office.
Who will do the most for helping animals? Do all you can for getting them elected.
61. Make sure people in office are doing the best for all animals.
People in office are their do to represent us. Make sure they are! Stay on top of current legislation. Testimony is needed to push bills constantly.
62. Stand up for what is right.
Don't be afraid to let people know they are hurting animals, or if they could be doing something more humane. Someone still wears fur! Speak up! See a dog chained without food and water and shelter? Or something locked in a hot car? Report neglect and abuse. Contact the police, AND the local animal humane group. The more people who know about, the more likely something will get done! Take pictures. Document it. Don't ignore it. Uncomfortable approaching others? Hand them a printed brochure or article, and...
63. Educate yourself constantly...
Educate yourself constantly... Learn about something. What do you know about chickens? About breeding dogs, etc... Continue to learn. Besides helping yourself understand, it helps when talking with others too. But be smart when researching something. Learn from people who care and want to help animals. Just because something is on the internet, or was what your parents learned, does not make it right.
You can also learn how to educate others better in general, and be more comfortable with public speaking.
64. Make sure that the "Animal Welfare Group" you want to help actually is for helping animals
There are groups with confusing names that actually are helping hunters ... Do your research!
65. Look for ethical businesses to do business with.
Think "Cecil the lion", every time you pay for something. What is your money supporting? (Cecil the lion was a local well known lion, in a protected area that was poached by an American Dentist) Look for ethical businesses that you know support what you believe in. Feel free to ask before you commit.
66. Rethink everything you buy or do.
Everything has an impact on the planet and those on it, and we can choose between the worst and the least worst.... or something actual good and positive...
Also think other countries. China is known to be terrible in treating animals... Used and abused as a part of life: Eating dogs and cats, selling wild animals (Corona virus started here!) etc... Spain too, bull fights are horrendous!
When you order something from these countries, or travel there, etc... YOU are supporting this cruelty.
If something costs more to be cruelty free, it is well worth it!
67. Look for the most ECO friendly options available, everyday, everywhere!
Everything one buys or does has an impact on the planet. Hurting the planet hurts those that live on it, including animals and people! Walk when you can. Drive the most eco efficient car available. Choose local products. Buy only what you need. Shipping, packaging, etc... all increase fossil fuel use and add to non reusable garbage. Fossil fuels are one of the most horrendous items on the planet, causing illness, global warming, etc... which hurts all of us, now and in the future. How many animals suffer or are killed anytime there is a hurricane or flood, all increasing due to climate change... Polar bears are going extinct, very soon, due to global warming! Polar bears! You can at least try to help!
68. Learn to appreciate more of nature, over store bought items.
Go on walks. Start seeing what is around you.
69. Don't use toxic chemicals or poisons in your house or in your yard.
Don't use toxic chemicals or poisons in your house or in your yard. (Same for at your work etc...) Besides possibly hurting your pet, (and yourself directly) poisons hurt good plants and bugs, bees, butterflies etc... too. The chemical could get on fur, where the animal licks it off, or a bird will ingest an insect that ate the poison, so will itself ingest that poison too... Pollinators are necessary and we are killing them with these sprays. There are many natural choices, that work as good or even better. Choose organic whenever possible. Toxic chemicals are constantly sprayed on our foods to kill weeds and pests. But these sprays kill more than just a targeted species, and are even said to hurt our own health. Look at the organics available! Toxic chemicals are not needed to provide us with great food which is even much better for us!
70. Buy only products labeled cruelty free
Many big name and brand name cosmetics, cleaners, chemicals, household products, etc... are cruelly, unnecessarily tested on animals. Not just on mice either! Rabbits and Beagles are commonly used in tests, as are other dogs, cats, and animals. There are great alternatives to anything you need, that are NOT tested on animals, or contain animal parts. Your shopping is a way of voting. Look at the label. Make sure it says cruelty free, or NOT tested on animals, or better yet is from a company that is dedicated to the greater good and would never support animal cruelty. Just because one item says cruelty free, doesnt make that company one you should support!
71. Don't buy leather, fur, or anything made from animals.
No feather pillows, no fur collars, no boar bristle brushes... We do not need to hurt or kill anything to get by wonderfully in this world.
72. Provide natural gardens for birds, pollinators, and natural critters in your yard.
Provide natural gardens for birds and pollinators in your yard. Find out what plants and flowers are indigenous to your area and plant those, along with some water source for birds and/or neighborhood animals. Sometimes it is ok to put out bird feeders, but more often than not, the seeds we put in are not a natural source of food for the indigenous birds and animals, and can lead to unnatural populations, and/or invasive species, which have hurt indigenous species. It is usually best not to feed the wildlife, unless these animals truly need our help, or it is an area meant for it. When we feed deer or raccoons etc... we train them to not be afraid of humans, which can get them hurt, whether by hunting, or looking for food near humans elsewhere. We also get them used to an unnatural diet or depend on us which can hurt them internally or teach them to not look for food naturally, and can even lead to starvation.
73. Go vegan
Or at least cut back on animal products, and look for truly free range, best farming practices. Yes Beef and Chicken, Fish, Pork, etc.... are animals too! And since animals feel pain, and love, and fear, etc... If we love animals, then doesn't it make sense to extend that circle to all those that feel? Why do most people limit which animals we hug and which we eat? Think about it. Learn about it. Watch documentaries such as Food Inc, Vegucated, Cowspiracy, Earthlings, Forks over knives, for a few new ideas.
74. Sign up for important petitions at
75. Send this list to everyone you know.
Friends, animal welfare groups... the more people that see it, the more animals that can be saved...
76. Let us know more ways to save more animals
Save an animal is an ongoing project. We are open to ideas and suggestions. Perhaps you have another great idea for how to save more animals, or something that works for your shelter... If you care and just want to let us know you support us, that helps too!
What more will you do to help more animals? You can make a difference!
Together, we can make this world a Great Place for all animals!
And please forward this to all the people you know who might help save an animal